The official hompage of FScript is here .
The SourceForge project page is here .
The JavaDocs are in the docs/doc directory.
FScript is already pretty small, but it can be stripped down further if needed. Also note that by default the FScript.jar file is not compressed, so some size reduction is possible there too.
The BasicIO and BasicExtension classes are only needed if you intend to use them, and the FSReflectionExtension and related murlen.util.fscript.introspection.* classes can also be removed if this feature is not wanted.
With some more code editing it would be possible to strip things down still further. However for a very minimalistic version FScriptME may be an option (also it is Java 1.1 and so will work within most browsers).
The newest and hence most bug-prone feature in release 1.1 changes related to the object and new extension code.
Any bugs or feature requests can be reported to me at:
murlen (at to stop spam) users dot sourceforge dot net
Or via the bug tracking on the project home page.
Note that email is probably going to get a faster response, as the project page is checked less frequently.